Take a knee to your patient’s chest!

 Every dentist or team member has heard about it-even if none of us have actually done it. The patient related dental mythology of some dentist somewhere at sometime taking a knee to a patient’s chest while performing an extraction. Well-I would like to advocate just that! No, I don’t want you to climb up on the patient’s lap and take…

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Magic & Loss

I remember the first time I heard Lou Reed & The Velvet Underground as I was sitting on my friend Rob’s couch. It literally made me sit up, turn toward the stereo and ask Rob who that was. I needed to know. The music grabbed me instantly and I was converted. The Velvet Underground was a bit before my musical…

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Plant Them Low & Watch Them Grow

  There is a saying that has been stuck in my head since I first heard it. Sometimes I joke about it. Sometimes it comes out in my teachings as a slightly more serious discussion on occlusion and how we manage our expectations with our patients, our laboratory partners and ourselves during crown deliveries. “Plant it low & watch it…

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Outside~In Occlusal Design & the Sacrosanct Incisal Edge

“First figure out what you want it  to look like, then figure out how to make it fit.” That is the current mantra of modern treatment planning in dentistry. It clarifies a methodology down to something so basic and easy to follow. The application & rationale certainly require a bit more explanation and exploration. There is simple rationale for starting…

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